Friday, April 23, 2010

Nothing Succeeds Like Success!

People frequently ask me sometimes, "Do you learn more from success or failure?" The answer might not be so obvious. Most people will say failure. They assume that after failure we go over it, think about what went wrong and why, deriving some sort of "lesson."

This goes against reality. When you fail, what do you think? "I'm a failure, I'm worthless, I want to crawl in a cave a die." Right? How do you learn anything that way?

No, my friends, it's easier to learn when you succeed. Because then you're all "I'm great! I rock! Look at me, Ma, top o' the world, Ma! I will always succeed and nothing bad will ever happen to me!" That puts you in a much better frame of mind for self-reflection and learning. This is also why cokeheads are usually successful people.

Succeed succeed, succeed, and soon you'll have success!


  1. So is this the success-face? The cokehead-face? The scary-clown face? Or all of the above?

  2. Hi Susan,

    They are very similar. This is success face with around 36% scary clown thrown in. Also, while I don't do coke per se, this photo was snapped outside a Starbucks.

    Thanks for reading!

  3. Man! I'm gonna start doing coke! Right now! Where can I get me some o' that??
